Is American Airlines Going Out of business?

American Airlines Going Bankrupt?

The hot topic going viral online about an airline that might go bankrupt is American Airlines. American Airlines is one of the biggest airlines in the United States. The rumor's of American airlines going bankrupt started in February 2020 when the reservations were constantly being canceled and delayed due to covid-19. Because of decreased demand, the airlines are facing losses. It looked like the business was flying high before the coronavirus pandemic struck. Travel restrictions between states and countries have changed dramatically, and the airline industry has been hit particularly hard by global shutdowns and quarantines.

Airlines have used bankruptcy in the past to get out of costly labor contracts. However, for the time being, airline industry contracts are largely similar. Furthermore, during the coronavirus epidemic, one unexpected and little-noticed trend has been that labor relations in American have been less tense than in peers.


  • The debt of American airlines is higher than the debt of delta airlines and southwest airlines.
  • American Airlines has a huge debt load, making it difficult to see any revenue growth.
  • The company's gross debt is $31.27 billion, which is covered by its $64.54 billion in total assets.
  • The only way for the organization to save itself is for passenger flight patterns to change. Let's see how air travel is trending as we approach the holiday season.
  • Rather than using Chapter 11 to eliminate debt but wipe out stockholders, American is forming a debt repayment plan to retain shareholder value.

The CEO of American Airlines has been in this airline industry for 30 years that includes being CEO of American Airlines, America West, and U.S. airways.

He has denied ‘Is American Airlines going out of business, the bankruptcy saying ‘It is not our option, bankruptcy’s failure and I am not doing it.


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