How Do I Change My Date of Birth on Southwest Airlines?

We often face a situation when we try to book a flight. While filing personal information, we file the wrong or incorrect information, such as providing an incorrect name or date of birth. So to give you some relief, there is all the relevant information mentioned below on how to change my date of birth on Southwest Airlines to make the whole process convenient for you.

Different Ways to Change Your Date of Birth on Southwest Airlines

Southwest is one of the largest low-cost passenger carrier airlines known for its excellent customer service and flexible policy. There are many procedures through which you can easily make changes in your profile and booking with the airline. One can make changes from both online and offline methods.

Online Website Method - If you are Southwest Rapid Reward Member, your DOB in your profile will be considered in a reservation. If you want to make corrections to your date of birth, then follow the steps below:

  • Land on the official website of the airline from any of the browsers.
  • On the main page's top right corner, click on the login or My Account tab.
  • Enter your login details, such as account number or username and password, in the needed blanks and press the login button.
  • After logging in, you will discover all the details of your reservation details and the necessary links on the screen. You have to click on the My Account option in the top right corner of the page.
  • Next, press on the profile tab and a new page will show on the screen with all the details of your profile press the edit tab.
  • Make the changes and provide relevant documents to support your arguments.
  • After making the changes click on the confirm tab, and the airline will send a confirmation message to your registered email address.

Offline Help Desk Number - In case you don't have a computer and a good internet connection, then you can go the traditional way to change DOB on Southwest airlines through the help desk number of the airline. Follow the steps given below carefully to make the procedure easy and fast.

  • Ring the help desk number of the airline at 1 (800) 435-9792.
  • Select the lingual in which you want to talk with the representative.
  • Next, the automated voice command will ask you to press the digits according to your query and problems.
  • Listen to the voice command very carefully and press the digit, which will lead you to connect with the airline's customer service.
  • Once you get connected, ask customer service to change the date of birth and provide the relevant reason and evidence to support your arguments.
  • After completing every step, customer service will send a confirmation mail to your email address from the airline.

The information mentioned above will help you to change the date of birth on Southwest airlines in a very effective manner. Remember to make the changes in your date of birth; you have to provide legal verification documents such as passports, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "Trusted Traveler" cards (NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST), Permanent Resident Card, DHS‐designated enhanced driver's license or any document issued from the government. 

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