Yes, you can certainly get your money back from British Airways. Make it certain that you have filled up the refund form at the right time. However, it is essential to be aware of the refund policy. Once you're aware of the refund policy, you only need to fill out the form. A refund policy will help you to avoid any extra charges. You'll be able to ensure that you have not been charged with the cancellation charges or the change fee.
If you want to know, "How can I get my money back from BA?" Then you only need to ensure that you have followed the step-by-step guide given below. Soon, you'll be able to fill-up the form and get your refund back.
You need to attach the essential documents, which are mentioned below. Only then you'll be able to submit the form and receive the refund in the account from which you made the payment.
Make it certain that you have followed the policy mentioned below. Then you'll be able to avoid the penalty and make your ticket refundable.
So, if you want to ask, "Can I get my money back from BA?" Then you only need to ensure that you have followed the steps mentioned above. Soon, you'll be able to receive the refund directly in the account from which you made the payment.
You can even connect with the customer support of British Airways. They'll quickly make the refund request for you. There are several ways to communicate with their customer support. However, the fastest and the easiest way to connect with their customer support is undoubtedly by calling on their official number.
Call upon the official number of British Airways. Choose the correct options on the IVR menu. Soon, your call will be connected to a live person. You only need to ask the agent, "Can I get my money back from British Airways?" That is it. Soon, your refund request will be made.